‘So that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no one else.’
1 Kings 8:60
Cairns Celebration of Hope 2025
The North Queensland “A Celebration of Hope” Christian Crusade was well and truly launched at the new Cairns Convention Centre on Saturday night the 11 May. Those who gathered were treated to a beautiful 3-course dinner followed by the local team (led by Bruce Jones Walker) sharing their vision. AND WHAT A VISION IT IS. Their passion is to make a mighty impact for the Gospel in North Queensland.
Cairns, because it is located near the Great Barrier Reef, draws thousands of tourists from around the world. Hundreds of hospitality workers from many parts of the world live in the area. It is such a pluralistic city. The desire is to include as many churches, nationalities, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait people as well.
The Convention Centre has a seating capacity of 4,500.
For four days between July 9-12, 2025, this will be packed with many outreaches in the area, all planned to reach as many as possible with the Good News.
Please pray for the local Team now as they work hard to pull it all together. I have often said that a crowd is not a miracle, it is hard work. It is what God does in the crowd that becomes the miracle. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will move in a mighty way across north Queensland and that we will see a wonderful harvest of precious souls.
Please continue to pray for the plans for Fiji. Also for the Will Graham ‘Look Up Celebration’ on the Gold Coast June 29. I have been asked to join the Team to lead in the daily Team devotions.
We are so grateful for your prayer, love and support. Please encourage us with a special gift at this time. Your giving is so very vital to us. We simply could not do this work without your help.
Please ask the Lord if He would have you share with us now.
Serving Christ under the Southern Cross.
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.
What an Amazing Time.
What an Amazing OPPORTUNITY this is.
Bill met with Community & Indigenous Leaders in Cairns to share the vision for the
Celebration of Hope Christian Crusade.
Outreach July 9-12 – Bill & the Team take the message of the Gospel to North Queensland
Please pray about sending a gift for the ‘Celebration of Hope,’ Team Travel, Training materials & Resources.
We would be so very grateful.
TRACTS used in Western Australia to FILL a CHURCH
In Western Australia, 23 km from Perth sits the town of Kelmscott one of four initial townsites established in the Swan River Colony. There in August 2019, a 118 year old church sat, with a congregation of 7 ‘Old Parishioners.’
Kelmscott has a population of only 10,604 people and you would not have been frowned upon, if you had wondered where this church was going, and how long it could survive.
Then a new Reverend came along with his electric bicycle and a mission. Rev Phil contacted myself, for his first delivery of 5,000 Tracts. Only God knew what would happen from there.
A few days a week, Rev. Phil ventures out to letterbox the surrounding areas of the church. As often as possible he speaks to the residents personally. He ALWAYS puts the church’s contact information on the back of the tracts and over time, we now get his tracts printed with their details on.
Over the past five years (through COVID) Rev. Phil has welcomed 250 people to his church and over 60 teenagers to their youth group. He can comfortably say that they have a steady Sunday congregation of 50 and a steady Saturday night Youth Group of 20 and plenty of funds to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the church. Many youths have become Christians and want Bible study, so in addition, they are now running a Bible Study fortnightly on Sunday evenings.
Rev. Phil states that they had no youth four years ago. “The tracts have brought scores of people to church.’
Please view our tracts on the website or email us, or you can contact me at the office.
Karen, part of the BNM Team.

Our premium Gospel tracts are a powerful and effective way to share the Good News!
Have you ordered Yours for Yourself or Your Church? You can view all our tracts and order:
Online at www.bnm.org.au
Or any variance to Advertised quantities please:
Email: office@bnm.org.au
Or Phone: 0477 148-555