“ Praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the Word.”
Colossians 4:3
Tony Willis and Darin Browne have just returned from Fiji, reporting that the plans and preparations for the “Come Together” events in Lusaka (July 26-28) and Suva (August 23-25) are going well.
The time spent there was extremely important. The mornings were spent training councilors for the events. The “Catch the Vision” rallies at night were used to encourage prayer and also for the Christians to build bridges of friendships with others so that when the outreach meetings come, they will invite their friends and families to attend.
“Each One Bring One” flyers were given out so recipients could write down the names of those they intended to invite along. Pastor William in Lusaka and Pastor Len in Suva are working hard along with their committees. Already prayer groups have been formed.
Excitement and anticipation is already growing.
How we thank the Lord for those who are already helping us with buses. Tony and Darin are saying that the leaders in Fiji are asking if we can hire more!
This is how we can get so many to the meetings from outlying villages with no means of safe transportation to hear the Gospel.
If you have already sponsored a BUS, can we ask you to please share the attached brochure. Maybe your church or cell group can see it as a project as well? It is wonderful to know, that as the buses take people home, there will be those whose hearts are filled with joy because that night they gave their hearts to the Lord.
Patricia’s KYB Group are sponsoring a BUS and say they are already praying for those who will travel on their bus. Plus, they are saving for their 2nd bus. Prayer is the key to evangelism. No prayer-no power. Much prayer-much power.
Please pray about sponsoring a bus or giving towards one.
With all our love and prayer.
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.
Training in Fiji
The training of Councillors on both Islands was enjoyed by All. Many had never led a person to the Lord before. This training alone is a very important part of our Outreach work in Fiji and a PRAISE point on how successful this start to our 2024 Outreaches are going. Well done to the TEAM and to ALL who attended. Well done to YOU for YOUR SUPPORT to make this happen. Praise the Lord for good beginnings. These are just a few pictures on this AMAZING time below.
The Eternity “Message” continues in Sydney
For years after his conversion up until his death in 1967, Arthur Stace walked the streets of Sydney writing the single word “Eternity” on walls and footpaths in his unmistakable copperplate handwriting.
As part of the fireworks on New Year’s Day 2000, “Eternity” was illuminated on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and recreated later that year in the Sydney 2000 Olympics Opening Ceremony. It was beamed to billions of television viewers worldwide.
And now due to our dear brothers and sisters in Sydney and their love for evangelism, plus their love to see the people of Sydney continue to come to our Lord, the message of ETERNITY, by way of BNM tracts, is being spread across Sydney again. 7,500 BNM Eeternity tracts are purchased at a time and five evangelist friends each take 1,500 Eternity tracts to the streets of Sydney. These photos of Russell show just a touch of the wonderful work they are accomplishing.

Our premium Gospel tracts are a powerful and effective way to share the Good News!
Have you ordered Yours for Yourself or Your Church? You can view all our tracts and order:
Online at www.bnm.org.au
Or any variance to Advertised quantities please:
Email: office@bnm.org.au
Or Phone: 0477 148-555