“May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:12

The local committee worked and prayed so hard:
God answered their prayers. In every meeting hundreds responded to the appeal. Joy and happiness resonated in every service. The Island music and dancing was so beautiful. There was so much joy. As the invitation was extended on youth night, hundreds came forward to stand for Christ.

Saturday night was so exciting with such great music (I believe the nations of the Pacific will lead the music in heaven!!). As the invitation was given, so many quickly came forward. It was thrilling to see the hunger for God in so many.
Children’s Ministry:
Dan Warlow did a superb work in the schools leading up to the busy weekend. The children loved his singing, music, puppets, magic tricks and stories.
To everyone that gave their support for the buses, a huge THANK YOU.
The buses brought hundreds each night from all over Suva and beyond. As they returned home after the meetings, singing, joy and happiness rang out as new believers and those who had recommitted their lives to the Lord, took Christ back to their homes. Please pray now – for the all-important work of follow-up.
Saturday morning 'TELL TEAM' training
This is a new strategy we are developing. We are so excited about it. Already we have 10 teams each with five or more trained to go out to towns and villages and other islands all over Fiji. We are looking to extend these teams to include many others. We are providing them with tracts, tee-shirts, and other literature and ways of sharing the Gospel. Please pray with us about this step of faith. This is a great legacy we can leave. We can only touch towns and cities here and there. This way we can blanket all of Fiji with the Good News. We want to duplicate these ‘TELL TEAMS’ in other Pacific nations as well. The potential for this in enormous.
This is no time to play games. I see our government concerned about the threat from China. You and I know the real and only answer is the Gospel. Please pray about sharing with us, in developing these ‘TELL TEAMS.’ If we value the Gospel, the nations of the Pacific and our own nation then let’s do all we can, to continue to get, the Good News out now. Your faithful giving is so greatly appreciated.
Please consider sending us a generous gift to help us continue this vital work of evangelism.
Thank you from our hearts for making it possible to see such a wonderful harvest in Fiji.
We are a team working together for the greatest of Masters. Pray for us as we plan for future outreaches in the South Pacific.
With all our love, Bill & Dorothy with the Team.
Ministry preparation

Bill preached, Darin Sang, The Crowd Responded
And they came forward in their hundreds in response to the Gospel
What fun was had at the Children's Ministry event
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