Excitement is growing for the “Come Together” celebration in Narrabri, NSW, 24-27 March.
The local team is doing a splendid job in making the outreach known not only to the local town but also to the entire Namoi River area. The local Believers are totally involved in prayer and preparation. The Christian Life and Witness classes have been well attended, which is always a good sign that evangelism is totally back on the radar screen. They want to see their community reached for Christ.
The rallies will feature top music from Steve Grace and Darin Browne along with a local band. Plans are in hand for a huge Children’s outreach on Saturday with a gifted children’s evangelist.
But all the preparation is powerless without prayer. We really need your prayer support.
In these country outreaches working alongside the Australian Billy Graham team, we want to train up and coming proclamation evangelists.
These are critical days for our nation and the only real and lasting hope is the Gospel. Please pray for us.
And please support us as well.
We need your faithful encouraging financial help and support.
As you give and as we go, so we all share together in seeing precious souls won for our Master. Please consider helping us now. We would be so grateful.
Together – reaching the lost.
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.