“Let them give glory to the LORD and proclaim his praise in the islands.”
Isaiah 42:12
We are so encouraged at the response we are receiving from our “POWER FOR LIVING” television program shown on FIJI ONE Television Station in Fiji. As you can see by the comments from Pastors and church leaders on the reverse side, many are being reached and encouraged that the Gospel is going out to all the nations. One man told how thrilled he was, that the whole of his village was watching. He was so pleased.
We are so grateful for those who are helping make all this possible. In this uncertain time, the Lord has opened this incredible door of opportunity to us. We never would have ventured into a TV program like this if things were going on as normal. Now we have the joy of touching the whole of Fiji and beyond, to the other islands in the south pacific as well. How we praise the Lord for this.
We will be sending you a brochure asking folk to stand with us in this marvelous venture with prayer and practical support.
PLEASE NOTE: The email with the brochure will come from Dashing Documents and will have the subject line “Fiji Brochure”. If you don’t see it check your junk mailbox. If you would like a hard copy of the brochure, contact the office on 0477 148 555 and you will be sent as many copies as you would like.
We would love if you could also forward the brochure, to anyone that you feel may be interested.
Please make this a matter of urgent prayer. I believe this is a marvelous opportunity to reach thousands with our message of life.
We are also busy with social media, creating these programs and other classics from past tv productions filmed in the Holy Land and other past crusades. We now have a special website for follow-up called – welcometothefamily.co Check it out. Tosh Sturgess is doing an incredible job producing all this.
Please make this a matter of prayer. We are living in very uncertain times. We know that the Gospel is the one and only answer to all of the needs of mankind.
Please help us the Proclaim this glorious message. Your support would be such a blessing.
Together – serving Christ under the Southern Cross.