“Behold, I say to you, lift your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
John 4:35
These last few weeks have been filled with incredible opportunities to bring in the Harvest.
From the fruit picking areas of Queensland, to the wonderful people of Samoa in Brisbane, to Fiji, to Moldova in Eastern Europe, we have seen such a wonderful harvest of precious soals.
Thank you so much for helping with Fiji. You would have been thrilled to see how your support for the buses really paid off. Every night our team witnessed the Holy Spirit working in so many hearts as the invitation to come forward was extended. John Sypkes was so encouraged to see Pastors attending his “Turning Decisions into Disciples” seminar, Dan Warlow reached thousands of children in the schools, Graham Blaiklock and his helpers prayed with those with special needs after the meeting, as each day filled with opportunities to share the Gospel. And who could forget the music! Daren Brown and Pat Morgan joined their music with the beautiful Fijian choirs and singers. (I believe the choirs of the people of the South Pacific will lead the music in heaven!!)
Your faithful prayer and support have made all this possible. Because you gave, so many heard the Gospel and responded.
We cannot thank you enough.
I left Fiji, hopped on a plane (well several really!) and flew to Moldova to join Will Graham and his team. As Will preached and extended the invitation, thousands responded. The Holy Spirit is moving so powerfully in that nation. I had the joy of bringing the devotions to the Team each morning as well as being a backup preacher for Will Graham. How I wished you could have been there to see so many responding to the Savior.

Please pray for our “Come Together Celebration” at Camp Clayton August 11, 12, 13. Friday is for youth, Saturday for families and Sunday for the Churches together. Please cover us with your prayer support. We would be so grateful for your financial support as well.
With much love and prayer
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.

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A gift towards Evangelism in the Solomon Islands
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We sincerely thank you for any gift you may send.