Each time I attended a Billy Graham Crusade, the moment you walked into the stadium proudly displayed was
John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The truth of this verse is needed now more than ever.
There is an all-out attack against our Christian worldview. For example:
– The issue of the sanctity of life has been turned into “a war on women’s health.”
– The conviction that marriage should be between a man and a woman has been twisted into “hatred for homosexuals.”
– The belief in the freedom of religious expression in the public square has been perverted into “opposition of other religions.”
– The good news of God’s forgiveness to everyone who trusts in Christ is rebranded into a “message of intolerance that condemns sincere followers of other faiths.”
The need for the proclamation of the simple Gospel has never been greater. It’s time for us to courageously share the true message of the gospel with others, recognizing that the most loving thing we can do for anyone is to point him or her toward Christ as the only means of eternal salvation.
To do this we need your help more than ever.
Please consider a generous gift.
We have some wonderful opportunities coming up over these next months and into next year but we need your help. Please continue to stand with us.
With much love and prayer,
Bill & Dorothy with the Team