From July 21-24, Evangelist Will Graham and the Billy Graham Team have invited me the join them for this very exciting opportunity to reach thousands of Ugandans with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I had the great joy of going there earlier this year in February, to speak at the Uganda Christian University (5,000 students) all in preparation for this Celebration.
Since then the local leadership have worked tirelessly to prepare for this event. The Celebration will be held on the University sports grounds. Members of the Billy Graham Team have already been busy training so many counsellors. I am always impressed at the thoroughness of the training they provide.
I have always said that if we have good meetings, that is cream on the cake. The real benefit is to leave behind in an area, hundreds of believers who are trained as to how to effectively share their faith and to lead someone to our Lord Jesus. This is a lasting legacy left after the evangelist leaves.
This is a wonderful opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to this needy area of Africa, an area that in the past has seen so many atrocities where Believers have suffered so much for their faith.
Please note the dates again and please pray for us all that we will be true Ambassadors for Christ. Pray for Will Graham as he prepares himself. Pray that we will see an incredible harvest of souls for the glory of God.
Together, reaching the lost.
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.