Sing to the Lord; praise His name. Each day proclaim the good news that He saves. Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.
(Psalms 96:2-3 NLT).
We are so much in prayer as we look forward to our “Come Together Celebration” in March. There is much excitement and expectation among the local Believers. As you know, the recent earthquake has done so much damage and has shaken so many. We believe our message of hope is what is urgently needed there at this time. Mick Cory has done a splendid job with the advance work, organising prayer, securing the event site, the music and the many other details needed to make this a great impact on the people of Port Villa.
NOTES from Mick when on the ground in Port Vila: Ps Kalo David (LHS of photo,) is taking on the organisational role of the Port Vila outreach, alongside Pastor Thompson Aki (RHS of photo) Chairman of the Ministers Fraternal & Vice Chair of the Vanuatu Christian Council. Together these men welcome Bill Newman into Port Vila & together they are involved in the Pastor & Church leader training and assisting with the overall success of the Outreach.
Noting that our outreach event is coming just weeks after massive earthquakes shook Port Vila, destroying shops & buildings within the main CBD, causing many deaths & displacements. Ps Thompson Aki stated, “This is a very good time for Vanuatu to receive a word from Dr Bill Newman”. An Australian engineer working in Port Vila stated, “There are still missing people who are unaccounted for & are believed to be underneath tons of concrete & rubble (see PIC above) but due to the large risks involved with removing these unstable buildings, the clean-up process is a long & tedious task”.
The Team at BNM firmly believe that it is the right window of time to bring the good news of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Port Vila.
PLEASE PRAY that it is a special time of fellowship and refreshment of the Spirit of God. A time of rejoicing and song, thanks to the gifted voices of the Life Changer Christian Choir headed up by the magnificent voice of Dove Yarai – Choir Master (pictured with Ps Kalo David) in this challenging time for Vanuatu.
BILL CONTINUES: How we thank the Lord for you, our Partners in this vital work of evangelism. So many are sensing that these are the last of the last days. We have the truth and the truth is urgent. We must work while it is day, the night is coming when no one can work. Let us reach as many lost souls as we possibly can before our Lord comes. Please continue to share and support us. We ask for your PRAYER; that God fills Saralana Park with SO many people who need to hear the Gospel clearly spoken & that many souls are won for His Kingdom. We ask for your FINANCIAL support so we can make this happen. We are a Team working together to bring in the harvest.
Your support, both FINANCIAL and in PRAYER is vital and means so very much to us.
What else are we doing every day at BMM?
Every week our half hour “POWER FOR LIVING” TV programs are shown on TBN PACIFIC and THE GOOD Channel. We are so encouraged that every week thousands are reached with the Gospel. Please pray that many will tune in as these programs are broadcast right throughout the Pacific Islands, New Zealand and Australia
Every week hundreds, often thousands of Gospel tracts are sent out. These tracts are proving very popular. Go to our website to see the range that we have. Tracts are a very important part of our ministry. People like their clarity and simple presentation of the Good News. Make sure you have tracts on hand to share with folk.
VISION RADIO ASIA/PACIFIC has asked for short messages to be broadcast on their stations scattered throughout the South Pacific and Asia. This is a thrilling opportunity to share the Gospel with so many. VISION Radio has been using our 90-second spots already in Australia. Now we have the opportunity to reach thousands more.
With all our love and prayer.
Bill and Dorothy with the Team.