“I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut…”
Revelations 3:8
We have incredible open doors in Fiji in the cities of Suva and Labasa. Prayer meetings are being organised. Planning is going well by the committees. Excitement is growing. We want to train “Tell Teams” to further extend the impact of the meetings so that they can reach out to the hundreds of other islands as well.
This is a “Kairos” (critical moment) that God is giving to us. Please stand with us. We want to take our Team with us to work alongside our Brothers and Sisters to have a mighty impact. Darin Browne and Pat Morgan will bring their music, Rodney Trinidad will be training counsellors, John Sypkes will speak to Pastors on “turning decision into disciples”, and Dan Warlow will go into the schools reaching hundreds of children with the “Good News.” Tony Willis and Mick Cory are heading the Advance Team. YOU can very much be a part of our team, with your practical support and prayer.
The key to our success in Lautoka in Fiji last year was the hiring of buses. A car can bring 4 but a bus can bring 40! Many come from outlying villages and it is otherwise difficult to get them home at night.
Can we ask you to prayerfully consider covering the cost of a bus or part of a bus, or if possible a number of buses. Maybe your church or home group can see it as a project as well. It is wonderful to know that, as the buses take people home, there will be those whose hearts are filled with joy because that night they gave their hearts to the Lord.

“When God is going to do some great thing, He moves the hearts of people to pray.” – Harry Ironside.
We don’t pray to impress God. We don’t pray to inform God. We don’t pray to instruct God. We pray to invite God. The answer may be direct. The answer may be different. The answer may be delayed.
“The self-sufficient do not pray. The self-satisfied will not pray. The self-righteous cannot pray. No one is greater than their prayer life.” – Leonard Ravenhill
“ God does nothing except in answer to prayer.” – John Wesley.
“To look around is to be distressed. To look within is to be depressed. To look above is to be at rest.” – Corrie ten Boon.

PRAY FOR AUSTRALIA – “The leaders we elect determine the policies we follow and the policies we follow determine the moral and spiritual direction of our country.”

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