“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Romans 12:21
We cannot thank you enough for your prayer and support for the outreach in Dubbo. God answered our prayer and it really was a blessed time. So much so that plans are under way for an even bigger event with all of the churches with the NSW River Convention in 2022 in the Dubbo Civic Centre. Please continue to pray for us.
If would like a copy of the video of the event, please contact us and we will post a copy to you.
And please continue to pray for the TV programs going out in Fiji. The COVID 19 restrictions there have forced people to stay at home. This is causing folk to watch TV more and guess what – our programs are being viewed by even more viewers!
We can’t wait until we are able to go to Fiji for outreach events. Please continue to pray for Fiji.
Right now we are working on producing 90 second TV spots for secular TV in Tasmania. This is an incredible opportunity. Will you pray with us regarding this. To share God’s Word into homes right across the state would be amazing.
We are thrilled at the amount of tracts people are ordering. These mini-evangelists are being used by many to share the Good News. Karen and Peter are doing such a great job handling this vital area of our ministry. Make sure you have copies to give to people. You can just pass them on or walk people through them. Many people were won to the Lord recently in an outreach using the tracts in this way.
Please pray about partnering with us, with a generous gift to help support the work we are doing. Frankly we simply could not go through these doors that are opening to us without your faithful support. Please consider sending a gift as you read this.
With all of our love and prayer,
Bill and Dorothy with the Team